
产品名称  多利卡洒水车(中洁牌XZL5070GSS5型洒水车 
工信部公告  280   
底盘型号 EQ1070SJ3BDF
装水吨位(T) 4
车辆参数 整车尺寸(长宽高mm) 5990×1980×2350
总质量(kg) 7360
额定载质量(kg) 4000
整备质量(kg) 3230
接近角/离去角(mm) 20/13 
前悬/后悬(mm) 1040/1642
燃油种类  柴油
**车速  99
发动机参数 型号  YC4FA115-50
排量/功率(kw) 2982/85
生产厂家 广西玉柴机器股份有限公司
型式  直列四缸电控高压共轨柴油机
底盘说明 驱动型式 2*4
轴距(mm) 3308
轮距(前/后) 1503/1949
转向器说明  双辐条式方向盘,动力转向。
离合器描述  膜片弹簧离合器,液压远距离操作,带气压伺服助力器。
制动系统说明  双管路气制动系统,带驻车制动、排气制动。
驾驶室  平头单排
钢板弹簧片数(前/后)  6/6+5
轮胎规格 7.00R16   
空调  带空调
  洒水泵 自吸离心式水泵
洒水宽度 ≥15
洒水炮射程 ≥30
垂直吸程 ≥7
洒、冲水压力 250-450KPa
洒水量 0.2-2(l/㎡)
扬程 90m
引水时间 <5min
流量 60 m3/h
In the new green sprinkler configuration: 
Forward (spray) and sprinkle with lateral jet, after tanks with working platform, the platform is installed on greening spraying gun, spraying gun can rotate, can continuous adjustable straight at shape, heavy rain, light rain, drizzle, security fence, original hangzhou veyron high-power with special sprinkling pump, pump, self-priming since the row, with fire control interface, with their valves, with sprinkler alarm music and small lights, water level gauge. Optional high flower is aspersed, sprinkler control pneumatic valve, 20 metres green reel, etc. 
Tanks made of Q235 carbon steel of high qualified steel plate material selects the stainless steel material, used large makeup automatic welding machine welding, large volume machine moulding, head adopts advanced arc butt welding process, vats as antirust processing. 
In the new green sprinkler, dongfeng motor company specializing in the production of dongfeng Fred card sharp bell sprinkler, dongfeng dolly card sprinkler, dongfeng 140 sprinkler, dongfeng 145 sprinkler, dongfeng 153 sprinkler, dongfeng days kam sprinkler, dongfeng tianlong build after sprinkler, dongfeng sprinkler, sprinkler, jiangling isuzu sprinkler, sinotruk sprinkler series, shan steam sprinkler series, the liberation of series tonnage sprinkler sprinkler and other kinds of chassis and sizes. Users can also be converted to bring their own chassis factory production. 
In the new green water sprayer is suitable for the construction of factories and mines, road sprinkling water washing, spraying, high pressure dust, urban greening, low, guardrail pesticide spraying and flushing, also has the functions such as water, drainage, emergency fire. New green manufacture of sprinkler spray are multi-functional green car, can satisfy the use of different users in different environments. 
Also do sprinkler spraying car use, professional spraying car user, please contact with our company, can be mounted to the professional spraying equipment, and professional tank anticorrosion treatment. 
Our company can customize according to the specific requirements of the user configuration sprinkler, due to different models being optional configuration, engine and steel price fluctuations and other factors make the difference between a dolly card sprinkler will have difference, need a detailed picture of dolly card sprinkler configuration offer please contact our sales manager, we will provide you with the most professional products and services. 
The above products is introduced for reference only, please refer to our contract for cars, the company reserves the right to improve product. 
全国免费热线:400-8877-089   购车热线:0722-3308999 3308666   图文传真:0722-3308588
企业地址:湖北省随州市曾都区两水工业园8号   ©湖北新中绿专用汽车有限公司   鄂ICP备06007237号-10